english talking area :)

  • I've never been to any festival.

    I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain. And I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it.
    Kylo Ren

  • I've been to several festivals! I love being there, it's like my second home :halloweenlaugh: ...or it used to be until the depression started -.- Where've you been? :)

    Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

    -Albus Dumbledore-

  • I've neither been on festivals, but i would have loved to go to the Splash!16. I was too young then and my mother wouldn't have let me to go there.
    Sooorry for my bad english! But without practice it won't get better. :)

    Ich habe Angst davor, nicht genug Zeit zu haben. Nicht genug Zeit, um die Menschen zu verstehen, wie sie wirklich sind.
    Ich habe Angst vor den Vorurteilen, mit denen jeder in dieser Welt lebt und vor den Fehlern, die jeder macht.
    Denn man hat nicht genug Zeit, um diese auszubessern.

  • you are quite right about that, raininmyway. But, rest assured, your English is not bad at all.

    I've been four times to the Amphi Festival in Cologne and once to the M'era Luna.

    this is here, this is now and it says, yes, I am alone

  • Oh, I've heard of the M'era Luna but I've never been there! How was it? :)

    @Raininmay You're absolutely right: only practice will help getting better! :) But nobody's perfect, and I'm 100% sure that my English is not very good, either :halloweenlaugh: Thank God we have this loving forum to train a bit :zwinkern:

    Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

    -Albus Dumbledore-

  • I would have loved to go to festivals, but I never had friends I could go with...

    He thought a little about the company that he would like to have.

    No, he thought, when everything you do, you do too long, and do too late, you can't expect to find the people still there. The people all are gone. The party's over.


  • @Angelsammy Did you mean me? :halloweenshame: I love(d) festivals because... they're kinda like home. The people there (not everyone, sure, but it used to be the main part) are so loving and nice and funny and open for everything. You can make contact with everyone, it's just like... family, I don't have a better word. They're complete strangers, but they treat you like an old friend and vice versa. If you see someone wearing a shirt of a band you like, or a festival you've been to or wanted to go, or a show you like.. you can just talk to them, and they reply like it's the most normal thing in the world. I think that's what I like most: there's no distance between strangers who never met before. I think that's what I miss in our culture.
    Oh, and the music, of course :halloweenlaugh: Live music is - used to be - my life. At festivals, you can party with complete strangers, find people who love the band as much as you do, and guys often help you to get on someone's (or their own) shoulders, if you want to see better at a specific song or something like that. Not to forget your friends, who just like the music, the flair, the freedom and the people as much as you do.

    Yeah. I think that's it... I hope I could help you understand :schulterzucken::greyjump:

    Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

    -Albus Dumbledore-

  • @Emily94, yes, I meant you:-). Interesting, you could not live without it?

    I'm being torn apart. I want to be free of this pain. And I know what I have to do, but I don't know if I have the strength to do it.
    Kylo Ren

  • I could :D I do right now. But it would've broken my heart if I wanted to go to one and couldn't (English has too little words for können/könnte -.-). It really was something I waited for for months, and I was soo happy when me and my former best friend went to one. Festivals were the highlights of these years, and the more per season we went to, the happier we became :halloweenhappy: The rest of the year we went to as many concerts as possible, checked new announcements for next year's festivals, raged about higher prices, searched as many people as possible to come with us (which never worked :greylol: ), thought about how to get there... summarizing, we prepared the next season ;)

    Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!

    -Albus Dumbledore-

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